Saturday 9 November 2013

This game is played with any number of players and one secret hot seat person. Game rules are very simple, we just need to send all our answers to the Host. 

The Host will choose a secret person to be on the Hot seat and She / He will ask a question to the participants in Host Pm and Host will paste on the Main room for the participants to reply in her Pm.

Host will paste the answers given by the participants one by one in the room so that the Hot seat person can understand and eliminate accordingly. 

The identity of the host and contestants will be kept as secret till the end. The last person in the game will be declared winner. 

So, All get ready for Catch me if you can game..... 

For More Info Visit Youtube Link : 

This game is played with any number of players and one secret hot seat person. Game rules are very simple, we just need to send all our answers to the Host. 

The Host will choose a secret person to be on the Hot seat and She / He will ask a question to the participants in Host Pm and Host will paste on the Main room for the participants to reply in her Pm.

Host will paste the answers given by the participants one by one in the room so that the Hot seat person can understand and eliminate accordingly. 

The identity of the host and contestants will be kept as secret till the end. The last person in the game will be declared winner. 

So, All get ready for Catch me if you can game..... 

For More Info Visit Youtube Link :