Thursday 5 September 2013

SSMTB also known as Seethalu Singaram Mana Telugu Bangaram is one of the most popular leading chat rooms on Paltalk in the Indian section. This group is formed on 11th May 2013. The SSMTB Community is established to motivate and encourage the members by organizing various activities. The name Seetha is derived from the Sanskrit word "Sita" which means furrow.

Goddess Seetha is the consort of the Hindu god Rama. She is esteemed as a standard-setter for wifely and womanly virtues for all Hindu women. She is known for her dedication,self-sacrifice,courage and purity. The Word Singaram means "Decorating".

Mana Telugu Bangaram - The best quote which defines the Pride and Sweetness of Telugu Language. The Beauty of Telugu Language is hidden in the word "Garu" which means Sir/Madam/Ji.

(తెలుగు Telugu) is a Dravidian language predominantly spoken in the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh where it is an official language. It is also spoken by significant minorities in the states of Chhattisgarh, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Odisha, Tamil Nadu, and in Yanam, in the union territory of Puducherry.

Telugu is One of the five classical languages of India and also one of the twenty-two scheduled languages of the Republic of India. Telugu borrowed several features of Sanskrit that have subsequently been lost in Sanskrit's daughter languages such as Hindi and Bengali, especially in the pronunciation of some vowels and consonants.

SSMTB administrators and moderators around the world will be ever ready to assist our dearest members relevantly. Are you interested in organizing a good activity? 
SSMTB Team is looking for new talents. Useful activities are always welcomed.

For any New Ideas, Suggestions regarding the entertainment or academic exercises


  1. Blog looking very pretty.. good work by admins .. Tx

  2. I my self so much impressed after visit this room of Platlak and i congratulate all the
    persons behind this who make a success. I also wish to overcome all the problems if any and reach a peak of mountain of paltalk .

    Best wishes,
    - Singer Chandu, Vijayawada

  3. I am not very familiar with the room or blog but it looks nice room is popular too

  4. Very Well Done and the amount of hard work is done on the blog is finally showing off in Flying Colors.

    Good Luck for Future Updates.
