Tuesday 17 September 2013

Musical Hands: This game is very similar to Musical Chairs. Host plays a song and when he stops the song, the participants must raise hand and the last person in the queue will be Dotted. The game continues until only ONE person remains in the game and will be declared as Winner.

16.09.2013 - Congratulations to Winners:  Maya - 1st , Allzwell - 2nd   


  1. The person with lowest bandwidth has more chances to get eliminated much prior than others and those logging in from mobile are out of game.
    Other than these two technical glitches rest all should be fun. Good Idea whoever it is !!

  2. its better if the host gives a count down like 10 secs
    it would give a 50% chance to the low badwidth ppl to raise their hands....

    TIME OF HOPE.....just a thought
